Driving around in Prague | old town square

This is my last driving in Prague video. I have more but when i come back here three weeks later at the end of my trip. I've put on about 7500 kilometers during my trip across eastern Europe. The first 7:30 minutes of this videoe is me driving around in Old Town Square and i won't say anything about them here. I uploaded a video when i toured the town
on a horse carriage.

At the 7:30 Mark i hit the intersection of Kaprova and Krizovnicka street and i contininue over the Manusev Bridge. Sorry i did not fast forward this clip and you can see that i'm stuck in traffic for a bit. After you pass the bridge the street becomes Klarov again where you have some monuments which i covered in my previous videos. At the 8:00 minute mark to the left is where the old castle stairs begins. At the 14:25 mark you will see the Hotel Hoffmeister to your right. The street then becomes Chotkova and it has some twists to it. At about the 15:00 minute mark to the left is where you have the Chotkovy Sady View point and a little further up is the Julius Zeyer Monument. At the 17:30 mark to my right is the Metro Station Hradcanska.
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