Edgy Working Class Area of Smichov Andel Prague Czech Republic Smíchov Anděl Praha part 7

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Smíchov / Anděl (southwest of Old Town, across the Vltava River). Back in 2013 it was slightly sketchy/grey area. In 2018 and 2019 visits this neighborhood boomed with high level real estate, very upper-middle class area. Visit the local theaters, enjoy the relax of Petrin Park (Petřínské sady), ride a tram, ride a funicular (Angled tram, 3 stops of Újezd, Nebozízek and Petřín).

Anděl, feels like a hard working local class neighborhood. So many restaurants, pubs, cafes & a huge mall. Many trams stop along the Nádražní Street.

Keep the Adventure and Curiosity Alive!

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