New Zealand - Rotorua - Geothermal Attractions - Waimangu Valley, Lake Rotomahana & Mount Tarawera

Rotorua is an amazing place, the more you look the more you will see and experience. There are plenty of geothermal parks in the Rotorua area, but my personal favourite is Waimangu Valley and Lake Rotomahana. Step out of the visitor centre and look at the valley below, the view won’t blow you away, some smallish lakes with a wisp of steam rising from them. It isn’t until you get closer that you see restless, brightly coloured waters of the creator lakes, bubbling and steaming with playful geysers wherever you look, the brightly coloured algae changes colour as the sun moves across the sky. The landscape is alive with geothermal activity, visitors are serenaded by cicadas and the joyful sound of native birds, this is one of New Zealand’s “must do” places to visit. The walk through the valley ends on the shores of Lake Rotomahana overshadowed by Mount Tarawera, once home to the world famous Pink Terraces that were destroyed when the mountain erupted in 1886 resulting in the creation of a 17 km long rift and killing over 120 people.
We board a boat for a trip around the lake to see more geysers and steaming cliffs as our guide tells us about the native bird and plant life, this is prehistoric scenery just as it looked before the dawn of the of the world as we know it. This place makes Jurassic Park look like a film set. Please join me to see Mother Nature going about her work as she creates yet another jaw dropping masterpiece.
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