Travel ban from India to Czech Republic as on July 1, 2021

As per the paragraph I 3 updated PROTECTIVE MEASURES announced by the Ministry of Health Czech Republic, on 29th of June 2021:

with effect from 1st of July 2021
entry into the territory of the Czech Republic for all foreigners who are nationals of countries with an extreme risk of COVID-19 and who have stayed in these countries for more than 12 hours in the last 14 days and for foreigners who have stayed in these countries for more than 12 hours in the last 14 days; this does not apply:
a) for the holder of a permanent residence permit in the territory of the Czech Republic issued by the Czech Republic,
b) for family members within the meaning of Section 15a, Paragraph 1 of Act No. 326/1999 Coll., on the Residence of Foreigners in the Czech Republic and on the Amendment of Certain Acts, as amended, who hold a temporary residence permit in the Czech Republic issued by the Czech Republic,
c) for citizens of the European Union who are holders of a certificate of temporary residence in the Czech Republic issued by the Czech Republic,
d) for foreigners whose entry is in the foreign policy interest of the Czech Republic or in the interest of the Czech Republic in the field of public health, if the interest of the Czech Republic is documented by an appropriate document,
e) for accredited members of diplomatic missions in the Czech Republic, including private officials and officials of international organizations registered with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic.

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