
VisitEurope.DE Baden Wuerttemberg - Heidelberg in Winter, 2009

From Wikipedia Heidelberg is a city in Baden-Württemberg, Germany. As of 2006, over 140000 people live within the city's 109 square kilometres (42 sq mi) area. Approximately 1000000 years ago, the "Heidelberg Man", whose jaw-bone was discovered in 1907, the earliest evidence of human life in Europe, died at nearby Mauer. In the 5th century BC there was a Celtic fortress of refuge and place of worship on the Heiligenberg, or "Mountain of Saints". Both places can still be identified. In 863 the monastery of St. Michael was founded on the Heiligenberg inside the double rampart of the Celtic fortress, and around 1130 the Neuberg Monastery was founded in the Neckar valley. At the same time the bishopric of Worms extended its influence into the valley, founding Schönau Abbey in 1142. Modern Heidelberg can trace its roots to this monastery. The first reference to Heidelberg can be found in a document in Schönau Abbey dated to 1196. This is considered the founding date for Heidelberg. Sprectrum - Wicked Game - Album Love Survives
Heidelberg, Germany, Baden-Württemberg, Man, Heiligenberg, Mountain of Saints, Neckar, valley, Schönau, Abbey, Castle, Castillo, Puente, Viejo, Alte, Bruecke, Old, Bridge, Neckar-Gemund, locks
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