
10 POOREST COUNTRIES in EUROPE | Top 10 Worst Countries to Live in Europe | Poverty in Europe 2022

Top 10 Poorest Countries in Europe. Poverty in Europe 2022. 10 Worst Countries to Live in Europe. Poorest European Countries by GDP per capita. In this video we will discuss the poorest countries in Europe by GDP per capita. Due to political conflicts, corruption, wars and high unemployment, people in Europe are also struggling to survive.

#Europe #Top10 #PoorestCountriesInEurope #WorstCountriesInEurope #Romania #Bulgaria #Serbia #Montenegro #Belarus #BosniaandHerzegovina #Bosnia #NorthMacedonia #Macedonia #Albania #Ukraine #Moldova

Europe is not limited to rich countries like Switzerland, Norway or Luxembourg; there are European countries which are poor too. For example, while the richest Liechtenstein’s GDP per capita is around $ 180,000, the GDP per capita of the poorest country in Europe is less than $3000. Let’s find out which these poorest countries in Europe are.

00:00 Top 10 Poorest Countries In Europe
00:56 Romania
01:41 Bulgaria
02:23 Serbia
03:11 Montenegro
03:56 Belarus
04:38 Bosnia and Herzegovina
05:21 North Macedonia
06:05 Albania
06:42 Ukraine
07:28 Moldova
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