
The 20 Poorest Countries In Europe...

Top 20 poorest countries in Europe.

People often associate Europe with wonderful society, lovely cities, peaceful borders, and prosperity. But just like everywhere else in the world, Europe also experiences hardship and poverty. With a total land size of 10,180,000 square miles, Europe is the second-smallest continent in the world after Australia. According to the United Nations, Europe consists of 44 nations. During both World Wars one and two, Europe's economy suffered greatly. During the Cold War, some countries in central and eastern Europe gave in to Russian pressure and created COMECON, or the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance. The majority of other nations that chose free-market policies received significant financing from the US. To integrate their economies, many western European nations founded the European Union. This increased cross-border trade and helped their economies, whereas COMECON nations are still having difficulty.

Following the fall of the Soviet Union, a large number of nations joined the European Union when communist control was overthrown in eastern European nations. The European Union has one of the top five economies in the world as of now. While many nations in Europe are still in poverty, there are plenty that is extremely prosperous.
In our video today, we'll talk about the poorest nations in Europe according to G.D.P per capita as of 20 22, according to information from the International Monetary Fund. So, grab that popcorn ,and let’s get this show started.

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