
7 Things to Do When You're a Single again - Adams apple

So you’re single? Whether you just got out of a relationship or have lived the single life for a prolonged period of time, being single has its advantages and disadvantages. But no matter what you’re feeling on your single status, one thing remains true: you are free. And if you are like most people, it means that you will, one day, find love again. So while you’re on your journey, here are 10 things you must do when you’re single.
1. Stay single for three months.

This is mostly for the newly single, but take your time. If you just got out of a relationship, learn to enjoy life on your own. Find the things that make you happy, do things that you’ve wanted to do, and spend time without a significant other. Date if you want, but do so casually. Learn what you like and dislike and give yourself a hard, firm timeline to stay single. You’ll find that when you are content with being single, you’ll be less likely to jump into a relationship for the wrong reasons.

2. Take a trip with your best friend.

Reconnect with your friends. Take a long weekend trip to visit your hometown, visit a new city with old friends, or hit up the beach with your best friend. Spend time doing the things you love doing with the people who know you best.
3. Spend a weekend with a married couple.

Find some friends with a great relationship who are around your age and hang out with them. See what they do well and get a view of your struggles. It’s easy to romanticize relationships and focus solely on the honeymoon stage, but take time to see what a true, long-term commitment should be based on.

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4. Travel. Visit a foreign country by yourself.

Be bold. Being in a relationship can be great, but the logistics of taking a major trip can be a nightmare. Do it while you’re single! Visit Europe, backpack through Central America, explore Australia, or visit the pyramids in Egypt. You’ll find it liberating and adventurous: a true, once in a lifetime opportunity. And you’ll have great, interesting stories to tell on that first date.
5. Be picky. Don’t fall too fast.

Learn to say no. It’s much too easy to jump right back into a relationship if you’re just out of one, or jump too quickly at the first sign of sparks when you’ve been single for a long period. Don’t do it! Take the opportunity to find someone who truly complements you, whom you have a deep connection with, and whom you find attractive.

6. Find yourself.

The easiest path to a happy, healthy relationship is understanding what you like and what makes you happy. Take the time to find yourself while you’re single. Learn what you love, discover your goals and ambitions, and write down your priorities. Make sure any relationship going forward allows you the opportunity to be yourself and reach your goals. There’s always give and take, but make sure you have a firm understanding of where to draw the line.
7. Reconnect with old friends.

Relationships, particularly difficult ones, can be very hard on friendships. While you’re single, reconnect with old friends and create a meaningful, lasting connection that can continue no matter what the relationship status. Don’t use friends as a crutch to fill the void of your lost relationship, rather find ways to ensure that your friends and family can stay part of any new relationship.

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