ABOARD WITH JORD: Riga Latvia, holocaust museum, largest farmers market in Europe, viewpoint, more!

I've never been to Riga, Latvia until this day and it was an absolute treat! how lucky I am to have a job that brings me to so many new places on the map?! :'-)

✩ l i n k s ✩
cruise ship employee q & a: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q_u0XS-5yks
aboard with jord allure: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7G5MNU-SrudzIpsU9MZt-WAC0lhPCVyA
aboard with jord adventure: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7G5MNU-SrucXAxqXRjatEC2B1b7oYKky
skating playlist: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7G5MNU-SruciFuAWzInfhqMFRdw1nfLM

✩ o t h e r v i d s ✩
stressful work day in my life: https://youtu.be/_nvpffTnzcU
night routine at sea: https://youtu.be/If78Ko-VbTM
christmas at sea: https://youtu.be/nM9QDbF7kK8
christmas eve at sea: https://youtu.be/cmLuLzpiu7E
work day in my life as a cruise ship performer: https://youtu.be/rZ54992AFHU

✩ p o p u l a r v i d e o s ✩
sign-on day: https://youtu.be/1SkvFG0bQKg
final day of quarantine: https://youtu.be/7-cagan1QJI
dry dock shipyard tour: https://youtu.be/ciCsV8HFJTg
everything you need to know about a cruise ship dry dock: https://youtu.be/yItGh8ZenQw

♡ make sure to watch in 1080 HD and subscribe ♡

with so much love,
✩ s u p p o r t m e ✩
venmo: @jbauth

✩ s o c i a l s ✩
instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jbauth/
twitter: http://twitter.com/jbauth
vsco: https://vsco.co/jbauth/gallery
tiktok: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMJ5uL8jA/
spotify: https://open.spotify.com/user/jordan.bauth?si=TvG-sGy1RjuWyANiWAXveQ
poshmark: https://poshmark.com/closet/jbauth

✩ d i s c o u n t c o d e s ✩
princess polly: JBAUTH
FabFitFun: BAUTH
Zaful: jbauth
Dossier: Jordan_10
Nail Addict: JordanBauth
Paragon Fitwear: JBAUTH
little words project: JBAUTH15
Sinbono Handbags: JordanB18

business inquiries: jordan.bauth@gmail.com

✩ a b o u t m e ✩
how old are you? 24
what camera do you use? canon rebel t7i and Sony ZV-1
where do you live? NY
what do you edit your vids on? iMovie

sub count: 49,097

tags: i work on a cruise ship, cruising during a pandemic, cruise ship life, ship life as a crew member, returning to work on a cruise ship, cruise ship entertainer, day in my life productive, aboard with jord, what its like working on a cruise ship, day in my life at sea, jordan bauth, royal caribbean international, day in my life at sea, riga latvia, riga, 24 hours in latvia, traveling the world in 6 months, scandinavia in july

disclaimer: I do not own any of the music in this video.
Music by Coodysan - Night Ride - https://thmatc.co/?l=886271C5
Damien Sebe - Soft Cloud - https://thmatc.co/?l=E894F16A
ystr - Gentle Downpour - https://thmatc.co/?l=C7A7ABCB

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