Bacalar, Mexico I Sailing with What SUP Bacalar

Catamaran Sailing in Bacalar, Mexico with What SUP Bacalar
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About Katrina Julia//
I’m obsessed with creation, transformation & inspiration. I share all things faith, health, wealth, business, & travel. I love wellness, online marketing, entrepreneurship. I was conceived in Bulgaria and born in Poland. I have traveled to over 25 countries.

I am a multi-passionate entrepreneur, athlete, speaker, and author (in case you couldn't tell yet! LOL).

I am a proud member of Herbalife Nutrition. I am an MBA, CPA, CFE (and some other things LOL!). I have served in over 7 industries and generated results up to 8+ figures in a year!

I host retreats as well. I am the creator & CEO of FIT Life Creation - all in 1 lifestyle brand with health, wealth, & biz. We include experiences online & live, influencers & fundraisers.

I have walked from fear to faith, self hate to love, devaluing to purity, corporate to calling, and bondage to freedom and continue to!

Read all about it here -

#Bacalar #Sailing #Katrinajulia​​​
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