
CLARIN2020 - Students Session - Day 3 - 7.10.2020


Day 3 - Moderator-led Discussions
CLARIN Students Session
Moderator: Maciej Maryl

At the CLARIN Student Session PhD students can present their work in progress. The aim of the session is to enable students to share the next generation of research supported by or contributing to the CLARIN infrastructure and receive feedback on their work from CLARIN experts.

00:00 Intro by Maciej Maryl

Theme 1: Resource Creation
02:10 The 'FFI Corpus' Project by Laura Picchio
08:02 The Literary Irony in the Works of Juliusz Słowacki by Anna Mędrzecka
13:57 The 'Mnemosyne Language' Tool: Towards the Creation of a New Lexical Resource for a Knowledge Model in Cultural Heritage by Harriet Cliffen
21:23 Building a French-Spanish Online Dictionary Specialized in Architecture by Zaida Bartolome-Diaz

Theme 2: Corpus Analysis
28:17 A Contrastive Study of Management Science. Thesis Summary Texts in English and Latvian by Iveta Kopankina
34:52 Crosslinguistic Influence and Cognitive Processing in Bi- and Multilinguals: A Parallel Corpus and Experimental Study by Alina Tsikulina

Theme 3: Algorithm Evaluation
40:03 Evaluating the Equality of Dimensionality Reduction Algorithms by Mateusz Gniewkowski

47:10 Q&A
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