
Couples Weekend Getaway Trip from Berlin, Germany to Poznan, Poland Day 1

Welcome back THC Family

Guess who got to get away for a weekend without our children...... US!!!!! We are so ecstatic this is the second time in 3 VERY LONG YEARS that we have been able to get away from the kids. We decided to take a road trip from Grafenwoehr, Germany to Poznan, Poland. With a day and a half stop in Berlin. We had so much fun on this trip and really hope yall enjoy these videos. Dont forget to leave a comment below and see yall in the next video!!

Let us know what you think, please support by liking and subscribing to our channel if you enjoy what we do!

Below are some videos you may like

First 24 Hours in Amsterdam| 2020 corona--- https://youtu.be/NahFBh0r60Q

A day in Kaiserslautern, Germany ---- https://youtu.be/raOdXI5a1Ys

What to do in Czechia, Prague--- https://youtu.be/W2P-zPcScCc

Let's get connected:
Larrys IG: https://www.instagram.com/poohshotthat/
Connie's IG: https://www.instagram.com/_mynam3_/
IG: https://www.instagram.com/thehicksoncorner_thc/?hl=en
FB: https://www.facebook.com/hicksoncorner
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