
Couples Weekend Getaway Trip from Berlin, Germany to Poznan, Poland Day 3

Welcome back THC Family

Last day of our road trip before we head back to Germany. We had so much fun unfortunately we ran into a little bump our Sunday in Poznan but, It was still a fun trip. We ate at this wonderful Jack Daniel branded restaurant which is the mean reason I have to go back and for us to fulfill Connie's Shopping in 50 or more countries quotas before 2022. Hopefully, we can make it do to Corona Virus. Remember to stay safe and healthy and see you in the next video

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Below are some videos you may like

Weekend Road Trip to Osaka, Japan with the family ---- https://youtu.be/5QZTdJGH7ko

FIRST IMPRESSIONS OF BUSAN, SOUTH KOREA!----https://youtu.be/mmhcYFswZso

Sunset Beach | American Village Okinawa, Japan--https://youtu.be/eUVuzz02EB0

Let's get connected:
Larrys IG: https://www.instagram.com/poohshotthat/
Connie's IG: https://www.instagram.com/_mynam3_/
IG: https://www.instagram.com/thehicksoncorner_thc/?hl=en
FB: https://www.facebook.com/hicksoncorner
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