El Nido vlog: Day 1 | feels so unreal + airport dairies + canopy walk

hi friends!! finally showing you parts of our trip to El nido, Palawan, that i took at the last yesterday :) I know it’s a bit late but i hope you enjoy this travel vlog anyway!! i had so much filming and doing some activities in el nido :) definitely will come back!!

[watch in 1080P HD|4k HD]

Quote of the day:
*Be patient and allow yourself to grow at a pace that’s right for you*

More videos of me!
Weekend trip with my fam #1 https://youtu.be/Dd0UHtzkWNI
Weekend trip with my fam #2 https://youtu.be/cqtxgK45p3k
A day with me (productive vlog) https://youtu.be/uqOrGYvhRWg
Sunday funday vlog https://youtu.be/5DcfO_G3F4k
SHEIN TRY ON HAUL https://youtu.be/tWMZJSnKqws
A day in my life https://youtu.be/aI_H22-LtlM
Saturday day in my life https://youtu.be/3hv8Wdh60tI
Vlogmas’22 | Come with me to school | Christmas party https://youtu.be/gXBwvFLyMoc
Vlogmas’22 | Spend a day with my friends https://youtu.be/U6k_PSKN8No
What I got for Christmas 2022! https://youtu.be/ALwqTs6ggp0
Vlogmas’22 | A two day with me https://youtu.be/sS9NGZAjyNA
What I eat in a day *realistic* https://youtu.be/YB1CIeVXI4w
My 17 Birthday! https://youtu.be/qX717pfnkkk
Facts & Interviews about me https://youtu.be/Y4uiqELFjj0
Come w/ me to school *midterm week* https://youtu.be/Vy5zNlLRiNs
Day 1 of our Intramurals https://youtu.be/1qRKw7xFmbo
Day 2 of our Intramurals https://youtu.be/R2LbVFyPXA0

????bgm used:
Music by Public Library Commute - Mile High - https://thmatc.co/?l=5DD13D5F
Music by Public Library Commute - With Somebody - https://thmatc.co/?l=47CBCB9C
Music by sunkis - 4ever - https://thmatc.co/?l=AFFDAA07
Music by Eli Lev - Dancin' on the Lawn - https://thmatc.co/?l=582DB014
Music by Ebony Loren - All That I Need - https://thmatc.co/?l=9CBE05BE
Music by sunshine blvd. - daylight - https://thmatc.co/?l=426B0185
Music by Blue Sirens - PETs - https://thmatc.co/?l=BE267EA5
Music by Rauly - This Is Love - https://thmatc.co/?l=963AA2CE

???? SOCIALSInstagram: @fionaalexisdf
Tiktok: @fiona_pinkph

how old are you? ~ 17
what grade are you in? ~ 11th
enthicity? ~ filipino
cameras? ~ iPhone 11
editing software? ~ VITA APP
thumbnail? ~ canva

sub count: 31

stay positive!

#travelvlog #elnido #puertoprincesa #palawan
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