Facing the lake's dangers | SLICE

Ethiopia is a beautiful country full of natural ressources. But the local population often have to risk their lives in order to take advantage of it.

That is the case for the Borana tribe. These semi-nomadic herdsmen live next to an extinct volcano which produces a kind of salty earth. To extract this prized resource, the men have to plunge deep into the lake while the salt bit their skin and hurt their eyes.

For the people living on the coast of lake Chamo, the lake is also above all a means of survival. But this time, the danger lies not in the lake but in its wild inhabitants. Every time, the fishermen take to the water on their simple rafts made from rough-hewn logs, they risk being attacked by crocodiles or hippos.

Documentary: Mythical Roads - The Corn of Africa
Direction: Nicolas Millet
Production: 2F Productions

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