
Hiking Eagle's Nests Trail in Poland - Part 1

Welcome to my Trekking Pole YouTube Channel. I'm a hiking enthusiast form Poland and my goal is to share magic of my travels with the world. Thank you for watching my videos!!!

This is the first video from the series: Hiking Eagle's Nests Trail (Szlak Orlich Gniazd, Jura Krakowsko-Częstochowska). This was shot by me in July, 2020 during the pandemic lockdown. In the first episode I cover one day walking from Częstochowa following red trail Kraków direction. During that day I visited ruins of castle Olsztyn and ruins of unfinished castle Ostrężnik. The series will show me completing the trail and visiting most of the castles on the way, so please subscribe for future episodes.

If you are visiting Poland and have some questions about this trail, don’t hesitate to ask in the comment section. I’ll try to help you as much as I can, so your stay in Poland is as enjoyable as possible.

In this video I’m using my new 3F UL Lanshan 1 Pro ultralight tent in grey. I’m planing to prepare a full review of this tent and all my hiking gear after using it during my trips last summer.

I’m sorry for my English in this video. When I’m tired I just loose ability to speak properly ;-)
Sometimes the footage is not the best quality. I’m still learning how to shoot, operate my camera and use Final Cut Pro. I hope with time I’ll get better at it.

Enjoy the video!
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