I Took European Girl For BEST Doughnuts in Poland! (Famous Traditional Bakery)

Today is the day I leave the Czech Republic my journey starts from Český Těšín which is on the boarder of Cieszyn in Poland, Europe. The strange thing about this boarder is that it is situated in the middle of one town split into two countries by the river OLZA. During my travel around Poland I met a beautiful European girl doing a bit of sightseeing on the bridge between Czech Republic and Poland, we engaged in a conversation and thought that it would be pretty cool to tour this town together. In this video I go to the best bakery in Poland called Nasze Paczkarnia which was also confirmed to be the best by the the worker that served me my traditional Polish delicacy. Although it was not the best of weathers it kind reminded me of the English weather. I am delighted I had the best doughnuts accompanied by a beautiful girl exploring a town in Poland enjoying traditional street food. In this video I order and try these traditional polish delicacies: Orea donut, Owoce lesne, mini pączki serowy, Marmolada weiloowocowa. These doughnuts definitely put Krispy Kreme to shame.

Any recommendations for restaurants or traditional food just leave a comment!.

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