
Kiev, Ukraine 2015

Tourist information on Kiev. This Vlog is a collection of clips I filmed in Kiev Ukraine's capital over the past two months including:

1. The Obama Burger
2. Putin Chant at Champions League Match
3. Classical Street Music Performances
4. Beaches of Kiev
5. Kayaking
6. Go Karting
7. MMA Outdoors fight
8. Opera House
9. Street life
and much more.....

Kiev is a beautiful city with lots of things to do. I recommend sampling all the local Ukrainian dishes you can whilst here plus checking out the Dnipro river. One of my favorite activities to do during summer is kayaking or sunbathing on the banks of the Dnipro.

I also enjoy lifting weights at the outdoors gym in Hidro Park. Kiev has all the amenities and famous Western hotel chains you're used to from the West. The cost of living is however considerably lower. You can stay at hotel Tourist Complex for example for $12 USD. Hostels are as low as $5.

I prefer booking apartments though as I can do my own laundry. Kiev is a safe city with little dangers for tourists. Even though times are hard now here for locals I believe it is as safe to visit as any city in Eastern Europe. Ukraine has an undeserved reputation and is nothing like Russia.

Kiev is a great place from to pick up women. Ukrainian girls are very hot and approachable. there is a language barrier but that should not deter you if you haver rudimentary PUA skills. If you read Roosh V blog or the RVF forum you should find lots of killer information about dating in Kiev. Learning by doing is the best though. Throw yourself out there and approach 5-10 women per day and you're bound to get some great leads.

Check out the ocean plaza shopping mall on the Libydska metro station. It's a great spot to meet local women. Alternatively walk around Maidan Square or Kreschatyk street. You can see what both look like in my video. It's most beautiful during winter as the old communist buildings are covered in snow.

Luxury apartments in Kiev cost about $50 and budget flats go for as little as $20 per night. Shop around and you're bound to find a great place to live in a central location.

The summer in Kiev starts rather late. July to be precise and it stay wamr until late September early October. In fact I was at the beach along the banks of the river Dnipro in early October. Things start to wind down right around then though and there will be visibly less people sunbathing.

Peak season for tourist is usually around the summer months. You will only see a fraction of the tourist hordes you do further west in the former iron curtain though. All in all this is my favorite country to visit in eastern europe.
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