
KRYNICA-ZDRÓJ OBSERVATION TOWER - Wieża Widokowa Krynica - Poland (4K)

Poland's first observation tower with its unique wooden structure has a natural suspended path leading to it through the tree tops. It ,is located in Krynica-Zdrój, at the top of Słotwina Arena ski station (896 m a.s.l.) among the forests of Jaworzyna Krynicka range. It is an ideal location to spend time amongst nature, suitable for both children and the disabled. The structure is made of acacia robinia, commonly called acacia.
The height of the observation tower is 49½ m. The total length of the path leading to the Tower is 1030 m, along which there are 15 educational installations, which present the natural and cultural richness of Krynica-Zdroj and its surroundings. The slope of the path leading to the Tower varies between 2-6%, making it accessible for both prams and wheelchairs #observationtowerkrynicaadroj #observationtower #wiezawidokowakrynicazdroj #wieżawidokowakrynicazdrój @D&B TRAVELS #krynicazdroj #krynica #krynicazdrój
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