
Life in Russia after sanctions - ULTIMATE journey through the east to the west

We will go from the very east to the very west of Russia and then to its capital, to see how people live in different parts of Russia. Let's make a research : what are the average salaries, how much people spend per month on food, renting an apartment, and other costs in Kamchatka, Kaliningrad and Moscow!

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???? More videos:
https://youtu.be/GqYOZuT7TtY - Life in the Russian exclave Kaliningrad | German heritage, Russian people and Soviet buildings

https://youtu.be/wlHBZHhmHxM - Are Russians poor or rich? | Average salaries in Russia & cost of living

https://youtu.be/w9wsPU5CQ38 - What we discovered in Baltiysk, the Kaliningrad region of Russia | Lost amber room?
????https://instagram.com/elibakunova?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y= - more content about Russia, traveling, and my daily life
???? https://t.me/elifromrussia/16 - if you feel like supporting my channel through donation on Telegram
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