
Polish Easter Food - Polish Easter Dishes - Polish Easter Traditions

In this video we would like to share with you all we know about Polish Easter food as well as Polish Easter traditions. Traditional polish Easter dishes are unexpected and many of those dishes they eat in Poland only once a year. But as all - traditional polish food is delicious, so we cannot wait to celebrate Easter in Poland. So here there are 10 Polish Easter dishes and what to eat in Poland for Easter.

★ 20 Polish Easter Dishes: https://local-food-advice.com/polish-easter-food/ ★
★ Polish Pascha recipe: https://cooking-the-world.com/polish-easter-pascha-recipe/★

Food mentioned in the video:
⇛ Biała kiełbasa - Polish white sausage
⇛ Żurek - Fermented Rye Soup
⇛ Pisanki - Polish Easter Eggs
⇛ Chrzan - horseraddish
⇛ Śledź - Herring
⇛ Mazurek - shortcrust pastry with different toppings baked for Easter
⇛ Babka - bundt cake made of yeast dough
⇛ Baranek z ciasta - Easter lamb cake
⇛ Pasztet wielkanocny - Pate
⇛ Pascha wielkanocna - Easter dessert made from curd cheese

Polish traditions
⇛ Koszyczek wielkanocny - Easter Basket
⇛ Lany poniedziałek - Easter Monday

More about Pisanki: https://culture.pl/en/article/discover-the-world-of-pisanki-or-polish-easter-eggs
More about Easter Traditions: https://poland.pl/tourism/traditions-and-holidays/polish-easter-traditions/

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