
President Moon calls for measures to minimize coronavirus fallout on local economy

문 대통령 "최악의 상황까지 대비해 경제충격 최소화 대책 마련"

The coronavirus is taking a toll on the South Korean economy.
As concerns over its growing impact, President Moon Jae-in called for preventive measures, stressing that it's the government's job to protect the public.
Kim Min-ji shares with us his remarks.
President Moon Jae-in has called on the government to draw up measures to cushion the blow the coronavirus might have on the local economy.
Speaking in a cabinet meeting on Tuesday,... Moon stressed the need to be prepared for the worst,... saying it's the government's role to respond to the difficulties faced by businesses and the public.
We need to swiftly come up with response measures in order to minimize the shock and damage in preparation for the worst-case scenario of a prolonged outbreak.
Citing a slump in tourism and domestic spending,... the president ordered the quick implementation of special fiscal measures.
In particular, he ordered support for local companies operating in China... or SMEs within South Korea facing export difficulties,… as many companies in China suspended their operations.
Moon also pointed out the need to release accurate information regarding the virus -- noting that fake news could create confusion.
Fear and anxiety that is not based on the facts will deepen our economic difficulties. The government will have to stop fake news and provide swift and accurate information about the virus to the public.
The mayor of Seoul and the governors of Gyeonggi-do, Chungcheongbuk-do and Chungcheongnam-do provinces were also at Tuesday's cabinet meeting as their jurisdictions have infected patients... or are home to the temporary isolation centers for Korean nationals evacuated from Wuhan.
Pointing out that South Korea has the capability to overcome the situation,... President Moon said it will be essential to coordinate between the central and local governments to make sure there are no gaps in the country’s efforts to contain the virus. Kim Min-ji, Arirang News.

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