
SEE WARSAW From #thepalaceofcultureandscience || TALLEST BUILDING IN POLAND ||FACTS ABOUT # PKIN

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Hello everyone,
So finally after a year and a half I got the opportunity to go inside the THE PALACE OF CULTURE AND SCIENCE, and trust me it was amazing experience. I shot some beautfiul panoramic shots of the city (both during the day and at night) . Do watch the video and share which one was your favorite???? DO WATCH THE SUN-SET TIME LAPSE (where you ll see the sun moving downwards and its such a beauty). Feel free to share your opinion about the video.
Stay tuned for more videos????

Track: Moment — Amine Maxwell [Audio Library Release]
Music provided by Audio Library Plus
Music supported by #BackgroundMusicWithoutLimitations​
Watch: https://youtu.be/VsRtJMPwkRE​
Free Download / Stream: https://alplus.io/moment​

#ThePalaceOfCultureAndScience #PanoramicViewOfWarsaw #Sunsettimelapse
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