
Seems This Country Exists To Me? | Tiraspol TRANSNISTRIA

We hopped on the minibus from Chisinau in Moldova to the city of Tiraspol in Transnistria - also known as the country that doesnt exist! Pridnestrovie is a slither of land inbetween Moldova & Ukraine and in my opinion functions fully as an independent country.

We spent a week here in Transnistria (Pridnestrovie) soaking in the feel of the soviet union and meeting awesome people along the way. Seems recently with the war in Ukraine people are afraid to visit here but truth be told it couldn't be easier to visit, the media is the enemy of the people :)

We loved the city of Tiraspol and had a blast in the sidestreets, in the huge green market, and even at the old semi abandoned soviet union theme park! This video is pretty much our raw first impressions

The breakaway state is even cheaper than Moldova in all aspects, we even had a lovely apartment for the week for only $14 a night! Link here - https://www.airbnb.com/rooms/39390566?guests=1&adults=1&s=67&unique_share_id=e37e9cc7-c293-456f-9cdb-2c6fc9bfa5cd

If you want us to keep travelling and giving back to local people you can support us right here - https://paypal.me/EllisWR
Revolut - @xellisridingx

Any donations are greatly appreciated and will always go to local businesses!

Camera Used: Sony FDR X3000

0:00 What Is Transnistria?
3:05 25th October Main Street
6:46 Huge Green Market
11:17 Kvass In The Market
12:35 Streets Of Tiraspol
14:49 Old Soviet Theme Park
19:23 Money Talk
20:45 City Beach & Dniester River
21:38 Beautiful Church
22:45 Crazy Cat Lady & Local Streets
24:53 Ultimate Soviet Playground
26:35 Plastic Money!
27:42 Shop Prices In Transnistria
29:43 $14 Tiraspol Room Tour
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