
Should the Right to an Abortion be a Human Right? In Discussion with Dr. Ofrit Liviatan

OFQE Event: 'Should the Right to an Abortion be a Human Right?' (1st March)

In this event, events co-ordinator Olivia Winnifrith interviewed Dr. Ofrit Liviatan, Harvard University Professor and Lecturer on law and politics. Dr. Liviatan's publications, research and teaching interests focus on: the function of legal systems in divided societies, the role of legal mechanisms in the accommodation of diversity and the legal dynamics between religion and state.

Our discussion was largely theoretical, focusing specifically on how secular laws are governed by a state in a mutifaith society with various and sometimes conflicting religious considerations. We zoomed in on the history of abortion law, situated in an analysis of gender relations. As such our discussion was partly abstract, lending itself to legal realities concerning human rights and expressions of religious beliefs, but also considered realities of access to abortion worldwide. We did not be discuss the philosophical ground for abortion, but rather considering the legal debate on how secular laws can square with conflicting religious interests.

Our discussion analysed what is meant by a human right, the history of abortion law, the relationship between feminism and abortion, the influence of science on political realities, and in particular whether religion should have a role in dictating secular laws in a multi-faith society.

It was a fantastic interview, and we'd like to extend a big thank you to Dr. Liviatan for coming onto our platform!


The Oxford Forum for Questioning 'Extremism' is the first and only student society at the University of Oxford leading accessible interdisciplinary academic discourse on ideology and 'extremism' through panel discussions, debates, interviews and lectures from expert speakers. www.OFQE.co.uk

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Our Term Card:

1. Trumpism and American Conservatism? (Panel)
An analysis of the future of American conservatism following President Trump’s tenure in office. Wed. 10th Feb (4th Week)

2. Social Media’s Fragmented Reality: The Rise of Online ‘Extremism’ (Panel).
This discussion will centre on the tech ethics, online radicalisation and data surveillance to better understand how social media influences ‘extremism’. Thurs. 18th February (5th Week)

3. Uyghur Muslim Persecution in Xinjiang (Interview with Adrian Zenz).
This event will inform us with the limited information we have regarding the plight of the Uyghur population at the hands of the Chinese Government. Wed 24th February (6th Week)

4. Debate: Should the Right to an Abortion be a Human Right?
An all female panel will approach the question of abortion access from the intersections of feminist theory, religious expression, law and science. Wed 3rd March (7th week)

5. Is Extinction Rebellion an ‘extremist’ organisation? Interview with ER founder Dr Gail Bradrook
We will assess whether it is appropriate to label the climate change activist group ‘extremist’. Friday 5th March (7th week)

6. Debunking Conspiracy Theories (Panel).
Our discussion will revolve around the detrimental effects of conspiracy theories, especially surrounding CoVID 19, and how they can be effectively challenged. Wed 10th March (8th Week)

As a non-partisan organisation, we host events to explore the nuances of political contexts and explain why they have been associated with ‘extremism’. We aim to include thoughtful, expert speakers from across the political spectrum in key discussions to achieve this end. Fundamental to our approach is the belief that a greater understanding of the roots of conflict, engaged with in a critical and nuanced way, puts us in a position to suggest effective strategies to ameliorate tensions.

The central tenet of our ethos is that we must be able to listen to each other and work together if we want to provide pragmatic solutions to various conflicts around the world.

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