
Should you visit Chisinau, Moldova's tourist-free capital city?

Should you visit Chisinau. capital of Moldova? Perhaps Europe's least visited country, Moldova - and Chisinau - notoriously got a scathing review from Bald and Bankrupt back in 2019.

Today, it's challenges remain: and as well as a weak economy, it's now hosting tens of thousands of Ukrainian refugees from the illegal full-scale invasion of Ukraine by Russia.

I went there volunteering for Refugee Support Europe, to help Ukrainian refugees. But I also found myself asking: is this the same city that Mr Bald found such fault with?

Join me as I look at Chisinau's parks, see up close the political differences and tensions which exist in Moldovan society, take a tour down streets, monuments and markets that might be worth your while, see the most famous thing in Moldova right now, tour the underpasses, see the bars and nightlife, and visit the Cricova Winery outside of Chisinau, for a sunset party.

To read more about Refugee Support Europe’s work in Moldova, and to donate, please visit www.refugeesupporteu.com

00:00 Welcome to Moldova
00:57 Why Chisinau? Working with Refugee Support Europe
02:30 Mr Bald and Chisinau
03:04 Is Chisinau... actually pretty?
04:55 Moldova: West or East?
06:09 The Sights of Chisinau
11:36 Out and about: bars and restaurants
12:36 The Chisinau Underpasses
13:32 Cricova Winery and the Sunset Party
16:26 Farewell Chisinau, Slava Ukraini

Filmed on: iPhone XR, GoPro Hero Black 10, Insta360 Go2.
Edited on iPad with LumaFusion. Additional footage, sound from Storyblocks.
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