
Sun, Sea and Sangria - Vanlife in Spain

For a FREE copy of our van build parts list click this link https://www.dropbox.com/s/zvtyj0z7cdeb9d8/Greg%20Virgoe%20Campervan%20Parts%20List.docx?dl=0

We are driving down through Spain on the East coast and arrive in the town of Sagunto where we head up to the castle and sample the local tapas.
Google map link https://goo.gl/maps/C2a6RaTNyEbHsfH87

From there we head further south to the seaside town of Villajoyosa and spend a couple fo night on the beachfront car park.
Google map link here https://goo.gl/maps/gbF1PZStrWzDwPBX8

Lastly in this video, we drive down to a rocky car park near the lighthouse at Cabo de Palos
Google map link https://goo.gl/maps/6FhAFNix76ZKhv5MA

If you have any question or comment please leave them below. Any suggestions for places to visit will be appreciated and thank you for watching.
Best wishes
Greg & Lou
#gregvirgoe #vanlifeUK #offgridliving
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