
Szeged, Hungary Day Trip - 360 VR Travel Vlog 4K - City Center Tour

Szeged, also dubbed "the city of sunshine" due to the wonderful summer sunrises, is a university, cultural city situated in the southern part of Hungary and the capital of the Csongrád county. With a population of at about 160.000 inhabitants, Szeged is the 3rd city in Hungary, after Budapest and Debrecen, both in terms of population and economic importance.

The name of the city has double significance. It comes either from the word "szeg" that in Hungarian means "corner" (the rivers Tisza and Maros join together righ before Szeged, in Tapé) or from the word "sziget" which in Hungarian means "island".

The city's origins date back to the ancient times when Romans populated the area where Szeged is located today. Over the centuries, the city had been pillaged by numerous invaders, the most powerful being the Mongol tribes and the Ottoman armies which forced the locals to flee to the surrounding swampy areas around the city. Later on, the Hungarians re-conquered the territory and settled down as permanent inhabitants of the city.

Nonetheless, two main important things in the history of the city are definitely worth being mentioned. In 1848, Szeged is the place where Kossuth Lajos gave the speech on the occasion of the Hungarian Revolution which marked the beginnings of the country as an independent territory, outside the Habsburg empire. That was the time when the Great Hungary thrived and developed the most, before 1920 when the Trianon Treaty sealed the fate of Hungary - it lost important territories to Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, etc.

The second important thing about Szeged is the flooding of 1879 when the city was entirely destroyed and wiped away by the river Tisza. In the aftermath of this sad event, Hungarians rebuilt the city from scratch, and everything that can be seen now in Szeged - beautiful constructions, wide avenues, and cozy Neo-Renaissance buildings - are the result of the hard work Hungarians put in rebuilding city.

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I hope my vlog and my video are also good incentives for you to visit Hungary and Szeged one day.

We are living in a beautiful world that is worth to be discovered - in real or VR 360, of course :)

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