Tasty Legends: Recipes of Love and the Moldovan Dessert "Baba Neagră"

Eco Resort Butuceni – where Moldovan culinary traditions are still alive

A project by:
Creative team: Ina Cojocaru
Storytelling: InnoVillage https://www.facebook.com/innovillage.md
Video: Denis Rusu https://www.instagram.com/denisrusuphoto
Actors: Mihaela Burduja, Liviu Savin, Eugenia Vacarciuc

This multimedia material was developed within the project "Tourism Business Booster – creative cross-pollination for agri-tourism business growth", implemented by the Radomianki Entrepreneurial Association in partnership with the National Association for Inbound and Domestic Tourism from Moldova, with the support of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) through the Polish Challenge Fund, funded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland.
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