
Territorial Inclusion for a Stronger Resilient Europe

On the occasion of the inauguration of the Sciences Po’s European Chair for Sustainable Development and Climate Transition, the School of Public Affairs and the Paris School of International Affairs are pleased to present a two-session event.

Panel II: Territorial Inclusion for a Stronger Resilient Europe (7:00 PM – 8:30 PM)

Europe is at the forefront globally on social, economic and environmental rights. However, the European project is itself now under scrutiny with societies animated by widening income and wealth inequality, political and social polarization, and lasting human and economic damage from COVID-19 pandemic.

The panel will discuss ideas to forge a stronger and more resilient Europe through the lens of territorial inclusion.

Chair: Yann Algan, Dean of the School of Public Affairs, Sciences Po

Opening: Elisa Ferreira, European Commissioner for Cohesion and Reforms

A panel discussion with:
- Charlotte Halpern, Researcher, Center for European Studies and Comparative Politics, Sciences Po
- Joaquim Oliveira Martins, Deputy Director at the OECD Centre for Entrepreneurship, SMEs, Regions and Cities
- Laurence Tubiana, CEO of the European Climate Foundation (ECF), Chair of the Board of Governors at the French Development Agency (AFD).

About the Chair : Co-hosted by the School of Public Affairs and the Paris School of International Affairs, the Chair is resolutely transdisciplinary, seeking to develop integrative thinking to help resolve complex challenges of sustainable development and climate transition. The Chair is headed by Shiv Someshwar, Professor at Sciences Po.

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