
The Euro-Mediterranean Region and China: the role of Chinese trade in the centrality of the EuroMed

"A Strategic Nexus: the Euro-Mediterranean Region and China"

With this workshop, the ChinaMed Project and Formiche - in partnership with the Center for the Mediterranean Area Studies (CMAS) of Peking University, the Institute for Global Cooperation and Understanding (IGCU) of Peking University, the TOChina Hub of the University of Turin, the Georgetown Representative Office in Rome, the Moshe Dayan Center for Middle Eastern and African Studies (MDC) and the Department of East Asian Studies of Tel Aviv University - aim to address trends and challenges of the growing interconnection between the Euro-Mediterranean Region and China, and its potential impact on regional and global dynamics.

Panel 4 - The strategic role of Chinese trade in the new centrality of the EuroMed

Dr. Massimo Deandreis
General Manager of SRM - Economic Research Center of Intesa Sanpaolo Banking Group

Ms. Liao Fangli
PR Department of Tencent

Mr. Davide Cucino
Representative in Brussels for the European Union Chamber of Commerce in China

Mr. Ardian Hackaj
Director of Research at the Cooperation and Development Institute of Tirana; Coordinator of the Tirana Connectivity Forum

Mr. Simone Padoan
Coordinator of the Venice Tianjin Technology and Innovation Cooperation Platform

Prof. Giuseppe Gabusi
Assistant Professor of International Political Economy and Political Economy of East Asia at the University of Turin; Head of the "Asia Prospects" program at T.wai - Torino World Affairs Institute

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The ChinaMed Project is a research platform promoted by the Torino World Affairs Institute, part of the TOChina Hub developed by the University of Torino. The ChinaMed Project offers a fresh analytical response to the shifting geo-economic and security landscape in the wider Mediterranean region. In particular, the primary research aim of the ChinaMed research team is to analyze the deepening interconnections between China and countries in this region, reflecting on their potential impact on regional and global dynamics.

Learn more: https://www.chinamed.it
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