
Webinar | China Market - Update and recovery plan for the Nordic Region

This webinar was hosted by the Nordic Tourism Collective (NTC), the Nordic and Baltic arm of ETOA.

Andy Fairburn and Paul Wagner hosted the discussion which focused on the latest tourism developments in China and future travel intentions for the Nordic and Baltic region, as well as introducing the Chinese ETC/ETOA/ EuroPass recovery project for European destinations

-Latest update from China in terms of Covid and market trends
-Latest update on when the market will start to book international trips, both initially and mid term
-When the recovery starts, tips on how the Chinese market will book future trips
-Introduction to the Nordic and Baltic Cities and Destinations on how to apply to the Chinese ETOA/ETC/Europass Project for European destinations


-Rixin Jiang, CEO, Nordic Friend
-Damien Collignon, Head of Nordics, Europass
-Xiang Zhang, Co-Founder, Timetravels
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