
The life story of Victor Bologan | GM, Ph.D, Author, FIDE director, husband, father

Victor Bologan from Moldova is a multifaceted personality. When it comes to playing chess, his career high Elo is 2732 and he won the Dortmund super tournament ahead of players like Kramnik, Anand and many others. This is a wonderful story because Bologan had qualified to this event by winning the Aeroflot Open. A qualifier winning a super tournament is extremely uncommon. Victor tells us exactly how he did it.

When it comes to education, Bologan has managed to do a Ph.D in the structure of preparation of high level chess players at the Russian State University of Physical Education, Sport, Youth and Tourism. We talk about it in detail in this interview.

Bologan has written several books and also published many DVDs for ChessBase. He loves working with ChessBase and tells us about his method of creating this material which is helpful to players of all levels.

All DVDs by Viktor on ChessBase India: https://chessbase.in/online-shop#!/~/search/keyword=Bologan

On ChessBase: https://shop.chessbase.com/en/authors/viktor_bologan

We also ask Bologan about his role in FIDE. He is an executive director and has a very ambitious project in mind called ChessID. What is ChessID, we get to know from the horse's mouth.

Victor is a husband, and a father of three kids. He tells about how his family has always supported his endeavours. Get to know this multi-faceted personality in more depth. IM Sagar Shah interviewed Victor at the World Championship match in Dubai.

Video: ChessBase India

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