
We Hit 10,000 Subscribers | 2021 Overview, 2022 Announcements, 10k Q&A, Europe Trip?!

When I started this YouTube channel on January 31, 2018, the initiative was to show a friend all of the roller coasters of a theme park in video form. that was it. but over time, my creativity started to expand and that was when I realized I could do much more with YouTube. It wasn’t until late 2020/early 2021 lwhen I completely redefined the channel with fresh new content featuring commentary. since then, it’s only been growing with no signs of slowing down.

10,000 is a number that i’ve looked at as a goal for the longest time because it’s so impossibly difficult for me to grasp. for someone who has 100k, 1m, etc, 10,000 is just a small fraction and it doesn’t mean as much. but it isn’t until you realize how big of a fraction that truly is that you’re as grateful as I am right now.

Thank you all for constantly supporting me on my journey. it’s only getting better from here. have a great holiday.

- Marc ???? ????

— Intro Music Credits —
Intro Music by Epidemic Sound (http://www.epidemicsound.com)
Composer: Elias Naslin,
Artist: Elbot

— Intro Video Credits —
ElToroRyan, AmusementInsider, Canobie Coaster, Coaster Crusader
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