
Why do i love Katowice, Poland?

Why does Vlogger Zupa love #Katowice in Upper Silesia #Poland ? Watch this #vlog about my visit to my home town of Katowice in Upper Silesia. I will describe here where Katowice is, and will give you brief description of all the aspects of #life of a former Katowice dweller. I come from Katowice and went there to visit family members and the city after the transformation it had couple of years ago. i was positively shocked how cool this place looks like now. For slow motion i used color grading in a form of a #lut. #Drone footage by #HubsanZenopro. Camera used Sony alpha a6500. Comrades enjoy this part of my Eastern #Europe #trip. Language #English

00:00 Intro
00:31 Geography
00:46 Population
01:01 Airport
02:08 Visiting grandparents and bro
02:40 History
03:25 Main Train Station
04:05 Gypsy incident
04:15 Drummer on Stawowa street, drumming with plastic buckets - Street drumming
04:50 Culture
5:30 End
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