Czech Embassy Delhi Appointments Declared for Nepal and Bangladesh

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This video is about the opening of Czech Embassy Delhi Appointments for Nepal and Bangladesh
On September 10th, 2021 at 2 p.m. IST, it will be possible to book an appointment dates for the submission of applications for the month of October, November and December 2021.

Abolition of the list of countries in Czech language
Next Booking Dates for Appointments

We hope, you find some informations about the visa system of Czech Republic.
We will try to bring much more informations about Czech Republic.

Making Youtube videos is not for the money from YouTube, but for keeping people informed about visa regulůations of Czech as well as other regulations of Czech Republic a foreigner specially from Indian subcontinent may need.

All our best wishes from GoCzech team for your blessings to be still in the job even after Corona with a team of 8 and other associates.
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