
Back to the Soviet Union! - Transnistria road trip

Join Rubens and I on a wintery road trip across the unrecognised country of Transnistria! We start out having a look around the empty bordertown of Bender, then hit up the Bender Fortress including a terrifying torture chamber. We then head to Bender's historic bus station, which is now an Italian fashion outlet with old Soviet mosaics depicting Bender, Moscow and Tiraspol still inside.

Tiraspol is our next stop for a mosey around the monumental city centre and its empty shopping mall, then on to a Soviet canteen for lunch - borsch, anyone?

We also check out the monument commemorating Moldova's entry to the Soviet Union, which is curiously still standing strong in the Transnistrian countryside, before checking out the village of Kitskany (Chitcani) and its weird churches.

As a bonus, we stop off at a marvellous Soviet bus stop, and the ground of the former Stadionul Republican in Chisinau, where David Beckham played his first football match for England.
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