
Is It Worth Visiting PORTUGAL Now? ❄️

We always had this impression that Portugal would be a hot Winter escape from England. But is it worth visiting now? We are fast approaching Winter in Portugal and we thought it'd be good to give you an insight into what it feels like here.

Some things we say may surprise you, but if you are anything like us, you'll see why even the least popular season is full of beauty!

Join us on this cinematic hike to Cascata da Fórnea in the Leira district of Central Portugal. Even Eden the dog gets to stretch her legs and enjoy the sunshine.

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*See your name in the end credits, or just enjoy the bonus weekend vlogs*

????Our Free Vegan Recipe Book : https://8milesfromhome.com ????

▶ Check out our camera vlog gear on Kit: https://kit.com/8milesfromhome

Sacha, Jmayel, Story & Eden are a young Vegan family currently living in Portugal. Creating a cinematic weekly vlog about travel, family and life.

Find Out More About Us On Our WEBSITE: https://8milesfromhome.com


➡️ Q: Where Do You Live?
⏹️ A: Caldas Da Rainha West Central Portugal (The Silver Coast)

➡️ Q: How Do You Make Money?
⏹️ A: Multiple Online Revenue Streams Including
- YouTube Ad Revenue From Video Views
- Creating Tiered Benefits For Community Sponsorship Via https://Patreon.com/8milesfromhome
- Jewelry Design, 'Nature Inspired' For Sale At https://www.etsy.com/uk/shop/EdenAndEmber
- Merchandise On Our Website
- Sharing Our Vlogging Camera Kit On
- And Occasional Brand Sponsorships With Companies That We Believe In

▶ Want to Support Our Work? You can do that here:

➡️???? Patreon http://patreon.com/8milesfromhome

➡️ Buy us a coffee https://www.paypal.me/8milesfromhome

➡️ The gear we film videos with https://kit.com/8milesfromhome

➡️ Our Merch Website https://8milesfromhome.com/shop

➡️???? Jewelry Etsy https://www.etsy.com/uk/shop/EdenAndEmber

Support in these ways makes it possible to keep creating vlogs about life in Portugal and around the world without having to become sponsored by brands who may want creative control over the content we produce.

▶ 1 Videos a Week Not Enough? Find Loads More 8milesfromhome Pictures and Videos Through Our Other Social Accounts!

???? UNLOCK WEEKEND VLOG http://patreon.com/8milesfromhome
⏹️FACEBOOK: http://facebook.com/8milesfromhome
????TWITTER: http://twitter.com/8milesfromhome
????SACHA'S INSTAGRAM: http://instagram.com/8milesfromhome
????J'S INSTAGRAM: http://instagram.com/tinymomentseverywhere
????OUR JEWELRY ON IG: http://instagram.com/edenandember

▶ Want To Work With Us In Some Way?

For collaborations and business inquiries, please contact us via email
➡️ 8milesfromhome@gmail.com

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