
#uploading_holocaust Roundtable Discussion: Memory, Dark Tourism and Art in the Digital Age

#uploading_holocaust, directed by Udi Nir and Sagi Bornstein, is a documentary-film composed of video clips and YouTube footage filmed by Israeli youth during their educational 'Journey to Poland’. It offers a unique point of view of a new generation, while revealing a moving and troubling image of the way collective memory is formed in the age of social media.

The movie was made free to stream between April 8-15. This video is of the roundtable event featuring the film's director as well as experts in Holocaust studies and of memory in the digital age, which was held on April 13th 2021.

For more about the project, see http://uploading-holocaust.com/

Speaker information
Udi Nir, writer, director, and producer. His first feature documentary was #uploading_holocaust (2016), followed by GOLDA (2019). Before turning to documentary film Udi was a playwright, a theatre and dance producer and worked for Amnesty International and other human rights NGOs. https://www.udivsagi.com/bio

Dr Meghan Lundrigan, a History scholar with focus on dark tourism, YouTube, and memory. Lundrigan recently collaborated on the book Holocaust Memory in the Digital Mediascape. She is a History Research Associate with Know History Inc. https://carleton.ca/history/people/meghan-lundrigan/

Dr Jackie Feldman, a Professor in Sociology and Anthropology at Ben Gurion University and author of Above the Death Pits, Beneath the Flag: Youth Voyages to Poland and the Performance of Israeli National Identity. https://in.bgu.ac.il/humsos/soc-ant/en/pages/staff/jfeldman-en.aspx

Chair: Dr James Jordan, University of Southampton, Parkes Institute of Jewish/non-Jewish Relations.
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